New Employee Admission Decision Support System at Bangraden Foods using The Web-based Fuzzy Tsukamoto Method
Decission Support System Application, Fuzzy Tsukamoto, PHP, Quality of Service, WebAbstract
Currently, Bangraden Foods is having problems picking new employees by offering numerous criteria to identify the applicant's abilities and personality, the results are typically recorded and must be compared to make judgments, which takes a long time for the company. In this case, the researcher used the Tsukamoto fuzzy method to develop a decision support system because it is simple, flexible, data-tolerant, faster, and better suited for input from humans rather than robots. Based on black box testing, the web system performance results run 100% smoothly for all existing functions. Testing data on 5 new employee candidates obtained a system value difference of 0.001-0.02 with 100% data accuracy, and the system recognized the graduation of two prospective workers with a decision of 'pass' since it reached an average score of 75, according to HRD, and three candidates 'did not qualify' due to below-average grades. In addition to testing service quality, throughput of 16Kb/s is classed as 'bad', packet loss of 0.273594% as 'very good', and delay of 293ms as 'good'. As a result, Bangraden Foods management may use the system to make data processing quicker and provide advice for decisions on recruiting new personnel based on the company's needs.
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