Overcoming Network Security on Host-Based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) With IP and PORT Blocking Methods
DOS, IDS, IP Blocking, Network security, PortAbstract
Network security is important to maintain security on a network, the data and information contained in it. Based on the protection of data/information security in a network, generally all data-based security theories are created and applied to secure a particular network. Network security methods that have emerged such as using IDS (intrusion detection system), Intrusion Detection System (IDS) or intruder detection system are computer systems (can be a combination of software and hardware) that attempt to detect intrusions. At this time DOS attacks or software that occur to the general public in the form of (browsers, files, videos or images) that often occur with the aim that the server or network is unable to accommodate the traffic, causing the website/service down and cannot operate. Therefore, to assist in these attacks, it is necessary to apply blocking IP and PORT by using blocking so as to be able to add research on network protection in the internet world.
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