RTSP and HTTP Protocol Analysis for Streaming Services on Manet Networks in State Polytechnic of Malang
Delay, MANET, Packet Loss, Protocol, ThroughputAbstract
To facilitate learning with video streaming, a transport protocol that can send video is needed, such as HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) or RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol). Both protocols have their respective advantages and disadvantages when sent over a MANET network. One of them is that the throughput on RTSP is greater but the use of memory is more, this is inversely proportional to the RTSP protocol. In this study, the delay value in scheme 1 HTTP and RTSP protocols has an average delay of 23.225 seconds and 19.075 seconds. The throughput has an average value of 699.165 kbps and 802.656 kbps. Packet loss has an average value of 0.428% and 17.9%. For the use of transmit power nodes have an average of -33 dBm and -31.25 dBm. Memory usage has an average value of 108.46 Mb and 149.6 Mb.While in scheme 2 the delay values for HTTP and RTSP protocols are 28 seconds and 26.1 seconds on average. Throughput 1186,803 kbps and 1316,076 kbps. Packet loss has an average value of 0.0325% and 18.69%. On the use of transmit power nodes have an average of -34 dBm and -32 dBm. Memory usage has an average value of 107.525 Mb and 154.275 Mb.
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