Prototype of Cluster Housing Portal Security System Using Fingerprint and One Time Password Based on Internet of Things
Portal security system, one time password (OTP), fingerprint, quality of service (QoS), internet of things (IoT)Abstract
Cluster housing is chosen by many people because of the security system is uses one gate system. However, the housing portal system that is often encountered still uses human labor and guest data recording is also still done manually. It often happens that the housing portal is always open, so that residents and non-residents can enter and exit the housing freely. Based on the existing problems, this research proposes an innovation, namely "Prototype of Cluster Housing Portal Security System Using Fingerprint and One Time Password Based on Internet of Things". Fingerprint is used for portal access by residents, while One Time Password (OTP) is used by guests to access the portal. The OTP is made through the citizen's website. The OTP will later be sent by residents to guests, so they can access the portal without having to have a security guard. All portal access data and guest data can be monitored through the security officer's website. The test parameters in this study are the accuracy of the fingerprint sensor, the suitability of the OTP code, the accuracy of the proximity sensor E18-D80NK, Quality of services (QoS), and the overall system test.
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