Perencanaan dan Implementasi Protokol Video Conference pada Keluarga Narapidana Penghuni Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Menggunakan Smartphone


  • Desy Damasari Nazilah State Polytechnic of Malang



Video, Raspberry pi, webRTC, QoS


The development of communication technology today has had a major impact and changes to the process
delivery of information. Video Conference is a method of conveying information which is quite attractive for distance communication far. In this study, the application of the video conference application is used as a prototype to support the facility in the Correctional Institution. The tools and materials used in the research include web servers, users
(Android), Raspberry Pi, webcam, and monitor. The software application used in the research, namely,
Dreamweaver is used for web design, webRTC for video conferencing protocol and Wireshark for
capture network traffic during videoconverence access, so that it can be known QOS parameters (delay, throughput, and packet loss) are generated. Based on the tests that were carried out during the video conference process, the results were obtained
capture from several application protocols that support video conferencing, namely TCP, UDP, and STUN. . Package
The best loss is the TCP protocol, which is 0%, the best delay is the UDP protocol with an average delay
27.06 ms, the best throughput is obtained on the STUN protocol with an average throughput of 5.273 Mbit / s


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How to Cite

D. D. Nazilah, “Perencanaan dan Implementasi Protokol Video Conference pada Keluarga Narapidana Penghuni Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Menggunakan Smartphone”, Jartel, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 62-68, May 2017.