Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Tetes Siklus Periodik Infus Berbasis Arduino pada Web


  • Citra Kusuma Wardani




Arduino, Website, Infusion, Monitoring


Giving intravenous fluids is very useful to support and accelerate the recovery of the patient's condition during the healing period. Problems in handling can have a negative impact on patients who are currently monitoring intravenous fluids using a manual system. To reduce the adverse effects on patients is to design an arduino-based intravenous fluid monitoring tool. The design of this tool is a way of monitoring that can be done at a distance. This tool aims to provide a warning when the intravenous fluid will run out (Â ± 100 ml) using a weight sensor, detect the drip stop using the ldr sensor and detect the intravenous entering the infusion tube using a photodiode. The value obtained from a sensor will be received by Arduino NodeMCU . Then Arduino will send the value which goes to the database then from the database it will enter the web monitoring. Where the web monitoring is in the nurse's room which monitors intravenous fluids remotely. The data from the heavy sensor has 95% accuracy because the data obtained is not affected by conditions from outside the sensor, while the photodiode and LDR data have 90% accuracy because these two sensors are light sensors that can be affected by light from outside.


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Nataliana D. (2016). Alat Monitoring Infus Set Pada Pasien Rawat INap Berbasis Mikrokontroller ATmega 8535, Bandung.

Falat Jati. (2006). Realisasi Monitoring Level Cairan Infus Pada Pasien Rawat Inap Berbasis PC, Bandung. http://eprints.polsri.ac.id/3246/3/BAB%202.pdf diakses 8 Febuari 2018.

http://lug.stikom.edu/wpcontent/uploads/ebook/dasar2-webprogramming-1.0.pdf diakses 8 Febuari 2018.

http://ilmuti.org/wpcontent/uploads/2014/05/Henni-HandayaniXAMPP.pdf diakses 8 Febuari 2018




How to Cite

C. K. Wardani, “Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Tetes Siklus Periodik Infus Berbasis Arduino pada Web”, Jartel, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 20-26, Nov. 2018.