Rancang Bangun Sistem Telecontrolling pada Ruangan Oven Batang Rokok Berbasis Android Secara Realtime (Studi Kasus di Pabrik Indokretek)
DHT11 Sensor, Raspberry Pi 3, Android, Cigarette Rod Oven RoomAbstract
The control system in the cigarette oven room at the Indokretek Factory is currently still manual by means that every 2 hours the oven room will be checked to get the appropriate results. In addition, the Indokretek Factory has a limit on working hours from 07.00-16.00 WIB, so that when it passes the working hour, no one controls the cigarette oven room. The telecontrolling system that is designed can be used for sensor readings, processing sensor data and sending it to firebase until it can be received by the user through the telecontrolling system application in the cigarette oven room so that it can be used for realtime monitoring of the oven room at any time. The system designed to transmit information in the form of temperature and humidity values ??with sensor accuracy with an average temperature value of 0.583% and a humidity of 0.79975%. The network quality test results show that operator B has the lowest delay value and the highest throughput value of 38.62 ms and 9.237869 Kbps, while operator C has the lowest packet loss value of 0.619% so that it includes network quality with very good quality according to standards TIPHON.
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