Perancangan Sistem Keamanan Central Lock Mobil Menggunakan Identifikasi E-KTP
RFID Reader, MFRC522, E-KTP, Central Lock, Arduino NanoAbstract
Currently, most motorized vehicle safety technologies, especially cars, still rely heavily on the manufacturer's default safety system from the car system itself. By using a security system from the factory default there are still shortcomings because a motorized vehicle or car can still be used by anyone and there is no age limit in its use. For that, we need a car safety system that is able to prevent the occurrence of car theft and underage drivers. The purpose of this research is to design a central lock security system for motor vehicles, especially cars, using e-KTP identification to improve the security system and reduce underage drivers. For the identification process of e-KTP ID using the RFID reader MFRC522. The RFID reader is connected to the Arduino Nano as a controller. The results of the research used the RFID reader to read e-KTP ID in a vertical and horizontal position with a distance of less than 12 mm. When there is an acrylic barrier and a glass barrier the maximum reading distance is less than 9 mm and the plate barrier cannot be read. The existence of obstacles makes reading the e-KTP card will be reduced.
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