Implementasi Transmisi Sinyal TV pada Media Transmisi Fiber Optik Singlemode
Hybrid Fiber Coaxial, TV Broadcast service, Fiber Transmitter, Fiber ReceiverAbstract
The results of TV service output using the Hybrid Fiber Coaxial system obtained a signal quality of 74% with a total of 49 channels. The attenuation with input 1 parabolic antenna receiver decoder using 200 cm fiber optic obtained a loss of 1.79 dB and at length of 2 km the loss is 8.91 dB. Whereas with the input of 2 decoder, a parabolic antenna receiver using 200 cm fiber optic, the value of losses is 1.93 dB and at 2 km the loss is 9.83 dB. The average deviation of RGB errors in the largest television image output results is Green by 0.226% and the lowest error deviation is Red at 0.148%. The effect of audio and video output before adding fiber optic devices is obtained, the audio output voltage value is 1.792 V and the video output voltage value is 2.591 V. After adding the fiber optic device the value of the output voltage with 1 television output and 1 decoder receiver at a length of 200 cm audio is 1.144 V and video is 1.167 V while at a length of 2 km the audio is 0.834 V and the video is 1.005 V.
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