Analisa Perubahan Luas dan Kerapatan Mangrove Melalui Pengolahan Citra Satelit Landsat 8
Mangroves, Landsat 8 Satellite Imagery, Area, Density, NDVI, ApplicationsAbstract
Mangrove forests have high ecological, economic and social values ??which function to maintain shoreline stability, protect beaches and riverbanks, filter and remediate waste, and to withstand floods and waves. The facts show that mangrove damage is everywhere, even the intensity of damage and its area tends to increase significantly. Many roles of mangroves require proper management to maintain the existence of mangroves. One way to determine the area of ??mangroves is by processing Landsat 8 satellite imagery. The stages of mangrove identification are carried out by using 564 RGB band merger, then separating the mangrove and non-mangrove objects. Next step is to analyze the density of mangroves using NDVI formula. To maximize monitoring of mangrove area, an android application was created that provides information on the area and density of mangroves at several locations, namely Clungup, Bangsong Teluk Asmara and Cengkrong from 2015 to 2018.
The results showed that Landsat 8 satellite imagery can be used to identify changes in the area of ??mangrove forests with good accuracy, namely in the Clungup area of ??90% and Cengkrong of 86.67%. From processing results, the mangrove area in the Clungup area has also decreased from 2015 to 2017 but has increased in 2018 so that the application provides recommendations for embroidering mangroves in 2016 to 2017 and mangrove recommendations are maintained in 2018. As for Bangsong Teluk area Asmara and Cengkrong have increased the area of ??mangroves every year so that the application provides recommendations to be maintained from 2016 to 2018.
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